
A major health problem has forced us to take a break.
We will be back with more enthusiasm and more strength!

Hello, I'm Kuji xD

Hello, I'm Kundi!

I am a utility memecoin, born with the objective of boosting Kujira. Our action plan is based on the following strategic lines:

  • SL1: Aidrops in other Cosmos networks so that they have to come to Kujira to exchange the token.
  • SL2: Airdrops on Kujira to encourage people to come to Kujira for airdrops.
  • SL3: Fund content creators (youtubers and similar) to advertise Kujira and Kundi.
  • SL4: Establish agreements with some small dApps so that the Kundi token has a minimum utility.
  • SL5: Try to boost Kujra in any other way we can think of.
  • SL6: Facilitate the tradding of Kundi with USK.


- SL1: Aidrops in other Cosmos networks so that they have to come to Kujira to exchange the token. Two options will be evaluated: (1) that the tokens are given to them directly in the Kujira network and they have to come here to claim them or (2) that they get them in their home networks and they have to bring them by IBC to Kujira to exchange them. Osmosis will evaluate if it enters in this wheel of airdrops, but it is possible that not to facilitate that they mount an exchange of Kundi with another token and thus people are not forced to go through Kujira. Since the main reason for these airdrops is that they have to make the exchange in Kujira and are forced to know and use it (for this reason it will be evaluated that the Kundi/USK pair is only in FIN and not in MantaSwap so that they can know the power of FIN with respect to Osmosis for example).
- SL2: Airdrops on Kuji to encourage people to come to Kujira for airdrops (especially because some of them stay when they know the ecosystem well and the aidrops are no longer important: this was our case). Possible preconditions to receive these airdrops: having more than X kujis staked and not being in a top 10 validator charging 2% commission or less (i.e. being in 'healthy' validators for the community).
- SL3: Incentivize content creators (youtubers and similar) to advertise Kujira and Kundi. We will first focus on content creators from the Cosmos network and as we see impact we will also evaluate testing with others who do not know Cosmos.
- SL4: Establish agreements with some small dApps so that the Kundi token has a minimum utility.
- SL5: That they accept Kuji to buy a Tesla, or that from Kundi we get the opening of Kujira in some centralized exchange are impossible things, but why not try? We lose almost nothing. In these points and others that we will be telling you about, you will be able to help us and even be rewarded. When the time comes on our twitter we will tell you how.
- SL6: Facilitate as much as possible the tradding of Kundi with USK. The higher the value of the token, the more $ will be given in the airdrops and the more reason to come to Kujira to exchange it, in the LP incentives and the more money will be available to promote Kundi and Kujira.


  • If during some period of time Kundi has a high price growth it will attract the attention of people who will come to Kujira just because they want to buy it. And some of them will stay after getting to know Kujira.
  • If you want to participate and help us to boost the Kujira community, buy even 0,5USKs in Kundi tokens. And if you want to help us to create volume, it would be ideal for example to schedule a weekly purchase of 0.5USK (total: 2$/month). You can do this for example with Calc.
  • Remember that the more the price goes up, the more the value of the tokens received by the Kujira and LP USK stakers.
  • Everything you do in line with your efforts to raise awareness of Kundi will have a positive impact on the community.

Are you a content creator? Just mentioning us has a prize. Send us an email with the link to the published content, tell us in which minute you mention it (if it is a video), pass us also a kujira address and you will receive a prize for sure (at the latest in December each year). In addition, you will be eligible for a second prize if you are in our final ranking.

If you have developed a dApps on Kujira or you are working on it and contact us to see if we are interested in collaborating together, it is very possible that yes... ;-)

1. Airdrops will tend to be larger over time so that they impact as little as possible over time. That is, the more tokens in circulation, the less impact an airdrop of X tokens will have. Therefore, as time goes by, there will be more tokens in circulation and the airdrops may be greater.
2. The more tokens a validator holds, the more voting power he/she has to vote in favor of his/her interests and against the community. And getting this voting power through unfair competition (null or very low fees) is dangerous for any blockchain community. That is why validators that are in the Top10 and have a commission equal or lower than 2% will not be considered in some of our airdrops/sales.


(Circulating supply: 0 Kundis - Max supply: Kundis)


Reserve: 42% (420.000.000 Kundis)

Period: 2024-2028

Initial opening (2024)

Subsequent sales (2024-2028)


(and some raffles)

Reserve: 40% (400.000.000 Kundis)

Period: 2024-2028

Incentivize USK LPs (USK Multi-Staking)
Incentivize USK LPs

(USK Multi-Staking)

Reserve: 10% (100.000.000 Kundis)

Period: 2024-2028

Provide liquidity to Ghost and Bow.
Liquidity Ghost/Bow

Reserve: 8% (80.000.000 Kundis)

Period: 2024-2028

Bow: LP Kundi/USK

Ghost: Lending Kundis



  • Creation of Kundi (native token of the Kujira ecosystem).
  • Incentivize LPs USK (USK Multi-Staking).
  • Mini airdrop: Kundis raffle to some kujira accounts.
  • Airdrop to Kuji stakers.
  • Airdrop to Fuzn stakers.
  • Enable USK/Kundi exchange in FIN.
    - Provide liquidity to USK/Kundi pool in BOW.
    - Provide liquidity to Ghost for Kundi, so that borrowing Kundis is cheap (although we depend on Ghost opening for the Kundi token, otherwise this step will be postponed).
  • Publication of the Kundi token on
  • Rate Kundi token publication in CoinGecko.
  • Close agreement with small dApp Kujira for the Kundi token to have a small use (if you are developing a dApps on Kujira, please contact us).
  • Evaluate starting to promote Kundi and Kuji with content creators.
  • Evaluate airdrops to some Cosmos networks (although this will probably be left to start in 2025).


  • Incentivize LPs USK (USK Multi-Staking)
  • 2 airdrops to Kuji stakers.
  • Airdrop to Fuzn stakers.
  • Airdrop to Wink stakers.
  • Mini airdrop: Kundis raffle to some kujira accounts.
  • Airdrops to some Cosmos networks (possible: ATOM, INJ, TIA, DYM, AXL...).
  • Promoting Kundi and Kujira with content creators.
  • Close agreement with other Kujira dApps to continue giving a small utility to the Kundi token.


  • Incentivize LPs USK (USK Multi-Staking)
  • 2 airdrops to Kuji stakers.
  • Airdrop to Fuzn stakers.
  • Mini airdrop: Kundis raffle to some kujira accounts.
  • Airdrops to some Cosmos networks (possible: ATOM, INJ, TIA, DYM, AXL...).
  • Promoting Kundi and Kujira with content creators.
  • Evaluate: close agreement with other Kujira dApp(s) to continue giving a small utility to the Kundi token.


  • Incentivize LPs USK (USK Multi-Staking)
  • 2 airdrops to Kuji stakers.
  • Airdrop to Fuzn stakers.
  • Airdrops to some Cosmos networks (possible: ATOM, INJ, TIA, DYM, AXL...).
  • Promoting Kundi and Kujira with content creators.


  • Incentivize LPs USK (USK Multi-Staking)
  • 2 airdrops to Kuji stakers.
  • Airdrop to Fuzn stakers.
  • Airdrops to some Cosmos networks (possible: ATOM, INJ, TIA, DYM, AXL...).
  • Promoting Kundi and Kujira with content creators.
  • Later in the year we will evaluate transferring Kundi to the KujiraTeam, this will include the $Kundis left for lending in Ghost, the $Kundis left for the pool with USK in Bow, and the domain name, email account and x (twitter) account.

Note: We want to clarify that we have nothing to do with the Kujira development team. Our only relationship with them is that we love them platonically.