A major health problem has forced us to take a break.
We will be back with more enthusiasm and more strength!
(Circulating supply: 0 Kundis - Max supply: Kundis)
Reserve: 42% (420.000.000 Kundis)
Period: 2024-2028
Initial opening (2024)
Subsequent sales (2024-2028)
(and some raffles)
Reserve: 40% (400.000.000 Kundis)
Period: 2024-2028
(USK Multi-Staking)
Reserve: 10% (100.000.000 Kundis)
Period: 2024-2028
Reserve: 8% (80.000.000 Kundis)
Period: 2024-2028
Bow: LP Kundi/USK
Ghost: Lending Kundis
Note: We want to clarify that we have nothing to do with the Kujira development team. Our only relationship with them is that we love them platonically.